
School Uniform

School Uniform is compulsory. The detailed school uniform is mentioned below:

Summer uniform for boys:

White half sleeves shirt, grey shorts , grey socks, black school shoes, school tie, belt and badge.

Classes from 7th to 10th are to wear grey terycoat pant instead of shorts.

Winter uniform for boys:

Maroon blazer with school crest, dark grey pants, white shirt, grey high necksweater, grey socks, black leather school shoes, belt, badge and school cap.

Summer uniform for girls:

Class 1st to 4th: White blouse, half sleeves shirt with collar, white broad pleated tunic ,white long socks, black shoes, white hairband, school tie, belt & badge.

Class 5th to 10th: White salwar, white kameez, white scarf or dupatta, black shoe, white socks and maroon sash.

Winter uniform for girls:

Class Nursery to 4th: Maroon coat, grey pants, white pants, white blouse, maroon high neck sweater, white ribbon, black school shoe, white socks, belt and badge.

Class 5th to 10th: Maroon coat, plain white kameez and salwar, maroon high neck sweater, white scarf or duppatta, black shoe and white socks.


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  • Latest FFC order.
  • Notice
  • Date Sheet for Optional Papers June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Optional Subjects( 1st-5th)June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Term I(Pre-Nur -8th )June 2019
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes 4th to 8th
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes Pre Nursery to 3rd