


Admissions can be granted by the principal and are subject to availability of seats in each class.There are prescirbed forms for admission application. For transfer cases, applications for admissions should be submitted along with transfer certificates and monthly progress reports (if maintained) or else the last promotional examination certificate, showing the position obtained in the class.


For withdrawal the pupil's father/guardian must make a written request to the principal. Applications for withdrawals cannot be entertained unless all dues are paid and reciepts obtained.Withdrawals certificates can be issued by the principal under his own signature and seal. At least one month's notice must be given in advance for a withdrawal before October.In case of withdrawal after first of October, full charges will have to be paid for the months of November and December. In case of withdrawals after first of December full charges will have to be paid for January and February.


 Information regarding fees can be obtained from the school office on all working days during school hours. All monthly charges are payable on the first of each month and all charges must be paid by the tenth of each month. Defaulters name is likely to be struck off the school rolls for non payment of dues. No concessions in fees will be made for irregular or partial attentance in a month or for any other reason.


  • Bus Fee Rules and Regulations(2025)
  • Latest FFC order.
  • Notice
  • Date Sheet for Optional Papers June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Optional Subjects( 1st-5th)June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Term I(Pre-Nur -8th )June 2019
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes 4th to 8th
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes Pre Nursery to 3rd