
From Principal's Desk

For children parents are the most important people as they are a child's first teachers. They give the child his first experience with a loving relationship, They serve as his role models and they direct his first learning oportunities. They are also important because they are people with feelings and needs. They must cope with difficulties and seek personal satisfaction.Their relationship with the child is loaded with some of the deepest human feelings.We respect the part played by parents in bringing up the children we meet at school. We share with parents, the responsibility for promoting a child's sound growth blended with learning and developing their potential socially, intellectually and emotionally at a period when growth and learning are rapid and significant.

Respect for the individual child and his needs are the basis for good school programme


  • Bus Fee Rules and Regulations(2025)
  • Latest FFC order.
  • Notice
  • Date Sheet for Optional Papers June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Optional Subjects( 1st-5th)June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Term I(Pre-Nur -8th )June 2019
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes 4th to 8th
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes Pre Nursery to 3rd