
Terms And Conditions

1. Definitions
(a) In these terms and conditions (and in the Acceptance Form to which these terms and conditions are attached) some words and phrases have particular meanings and have to be defined. Such defined terms are set out here: “Acceptance Form” means the form provided by the School for parents to complete when accepting a place for their child at the School; “Behavior Policy” means the policy of the School which outlines the way in which all members of the school are expected to relate to one another; “Child” means a child of whatever age admitted by the School to be educated. “The Complaints Procedure” is the School’s procedure for handling complaints from parents, as amended from time to time for legal or other substantive reasons or in order to assist the proper administration of the School. It does not form part of the contract between you and the School. A copy of the procedure is available from the School at any time upon request; “Deposit” means the sum referred to as such in the Acceptance Form (and that is separately set out in the Schedule of Fees); “Fees” means the fees set out in the Schedule of Fees and on the website as amended from time to time; “Head of School” means the person appointed by the Trustees of the Organization to be responsible for the day-to-day management of the School, including anyone to whom such duties have been duly delegated; “Schedule of Fees” means the published note of the School’s prevailing fees notified to you from time to time and a copy of which remains available on the School’s website or at any time upon request; “Term” means a term of the School as notified to parents from time to time; “A term’s notice” means written notice given not later than the first day of the term preceding the term to which the notice relates; “Terms and conditions” means these terms and conditions as amended from time to time; “We” or the “School” means the legal entity carrying on as the School or its duly authorized representative (as the context requires); and “You” or the “parents” means each person who has signed the Acceptance Form as a parent of the child, or a person who with the School’s express written consent replaces a person who has signed the Acceptance Form (and “your” shall be construed accordingly).
2. Notice Requirements
(a) If you wish to withdraw your child from the School (other than at the normal leaving date), you shall either give a term’s notice to that effect or shall pay to the School a term’s fees in lieu of notice, at such rate as would have been charged for the final term of provision if a term’s notice had been given. (b) Under (a) above, the appropriate sum in lieu of notice will become due and owing to the School as a debt on the first day of the term which would have been the final term of provision if a term’s notice had been given. (d) If you wish to withdraw your child from an activity charged for as supplemental, you shall either give a half-term’s notice to that effect or shall pay to the School as a debt a half-term’s charges for the activity in which your child has ceased to participate. (e) The School’s affairs are organized on a termly basis and it is not possible for you to reduce the amount of fees or supplemental charges due or to obtain a refund of fees or supplemental charges by withdrawing your child part-way through a term.
3.Behavior Policy
(a) It is a condition of remaining at the School that your child complies with the Behavior Policy. In addition, you undertake to ensure that your child attends School punctually.
4. Suspension and Required Removal
(a) The Head of School may in his or her discretion suspend or, in serious or persistent cases, remove your child from the School if the Head of School reasonably considers that your child’s conduct or behavior is unsatisfactory and the suspension or removal is in the School’s best interests or those of your child or other children.
5. The School’s Obligations
(b) The School accepts no responsibility if a Child is unable through lack of competence to complete schooling or for any effect on the future development or ultimate career of a Child if they are not able to achieve a particular level of educational attainment. (c) Subject to these terms and conditions, the School undertakes to accept your child as a pupil of the School from the time of joining the School until the end of his or her Elementary schooling. (d) While your child remains a pupil of the School, we undertake to exercise reasonable skill and care in respect of his or her education and welfare. This obligation will apply during school hours and at other times when your child is permitted to be on School premises or is participating in activities organized by the School. (f) If your child requires urgent medical attention while under the School’s care, we will if practicable attempt to obtain your prior consent. However, should we be unable to contact you we shall be authorized to make the decision on your behalf should consent be required for urgent treatment recommended by a doctor (including anesthetic or operation, or blood transfusion (unless you have previously notified us you object to blood transfusions)). (g) We shall monitor your child’s progress at the School and produce regular written reports in accordance with our policies, depending upon the age of your child. We shall advise you if we have any concern about your child’s progress but we do not undertake to diagnose dyslexia or other specific conditions. A formal assessment can be arranged either by you or by the School at your expense. You may be asked to withdraw your child without being charged fees in lieu of notice if in the opinion of the Head the School cannot provide adequately for your child’s special educational needs. ( h) In order to fulfill our obligations, we, the Head of School and School staff need your co-operation, including in particular by you fulfilling your own obligations under this contract.
6. The Parents’ Obligations
(a) In addition to your other obligations included elsewhere in these terms and conditions (including in the remainder of this Clause 8), you undertake to co-operate with the School and School staff in good faith, and including in particular by: (i) maintaining a constructive relationship with School staff (including in instances where the School is exercising its rights and performing its obligations under this contract); (ii) encouraging your child and giving appropriate support at home; (iii) keeping the School up-to-date and informed of matters which affect (or may affect) your child (including circumstances which arise at any time that affect (or may affect) your ability to pay the fees and supplemental charges for your child) and ensure that all details or other information notified or otherwise disclosed to the School about you and/or your child are accurate, truthful and not misleading and that relevant details and information (or changes to it) are not withheld; (iv) providing cooperation and assistance to the School so that your child can participate and benefit from the School’s provision of education; and (v) attending meetings and otherwise keeping in touch with the School where your child’s interests so require. (c) You undertake to inform the School of any situations where special arrangements may be needed in relation to your child. (e) The Head of School must be informed in writing of any reason for your child’s absence from School. Wherever possible the School’s prior consent should be sought for absence from the School. (f) We cannot accept any responsibility for the welfare of your child while off the School premises unless he or she is taking part in a school activity or otherwise under the supervision of a member of the School staff. (g) If you have cause for concern as to a matter of safety, care, discipline or progress of your child you must inform the School without delay. Complaints should be made in accordance with the School’s Complaints Procedure.
7. Communications
(a) All notices required to be given under these terms and conditions must be given in writing. (b) Communications (including notices) will be sent by the School to you at the address (es) shown in our records, or using your other contact details included in our records. You undertake to notify the School of any change of address (es) or other contact details. (c) Notices that you are required to give under these terms and conditions must be in writing addressed to the Head of School and either: (i) delivered by hand to the Head Office; (ii) sent to the Head Office by recorded or other form of registered post requiring a signature upon receipt as proof of delivery; or (iii) otherwise sent to the Head Office address by first or second class post.
8. Claims against the School
(a) Any liability arising from a claim by the Child or any other person against the School for failure to provide the education to be expected will be limited to the amount of the School’s insurance for such a claim at that time. (b) This Agreement does not confer any rights on any person not a party to this Agreement. No person who is not a party to this Agreement is entitled to bring a claim against the School.
9. Interpretation
Headings in these terms and conditions are for ease of understanding only and do not form part of these terms and conditions.


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