
Refund Policy

Fee Policy
1. The school fees are to be paid by Cash/ cheque/DDs. Cheques/DDs to be drawn in the name of The Our School
2. The fees are payable in installments as prescribed by the school only on or before the scheduled dates.
4. Fees for the entire academic year can be paid together at the time of admission.
5. Once paid, fees are non-transferable / non-adjustable / non-refundable under any circumstances and are subject to the exceptions as set out in the refund policy.
6. If admission is cancelled midterm, no dues should be left pending. Leaving Certificate will be issued only after full and complete settlement of outstanding dues. Application for withdrawal must be submitted to the office a minimum of 60 working days prior to the end of the term.
7. Service Tax and other statutory taxes should be paid separately, as and where applicable.
8. In case of any cheque towards payment of fees being dishonored, the management reserves its right to de-enroll the student at its discretion and levy any other penalty as it may deem fit.
9. No student whose fees remain unpaid in full or in part will be allowed to sit for the Board examination. No internal examination results, reports, transfer certificates, leaving certificates or recommendations to future school schools/colleges will be issued to such students or parents.
10. If the fee is not paid within 30 days of the due date the child’s name shall be struck off the school records.
11. The school reserves the right to revise / amend the Fee Schedule from time to time.

Fee Refund Policy:

1. Admission fee and Registration fee once paid to the school will not be refunded under any circumstances or for any reason whatsoever, including where a student withdraws admission or communicates his/her intention not to attend the school at any time before scheduled commencement of academic year or where after joining the school, a student withdraws admission or leaves the school before the end of that academic year.
2. Security deposit is adjustable against damage to, or loss of, library books, laboratory equipment, technology facilities and other equipment or assets of the school. Security deposit will be refunded without interest, after adjustment of dues, if any, on completion of the child’s studies at / withdrawal from the school.
3. If a student withdraws admission at any time before scheduled commencement of term, refund, if any, of fees would be by cheque only & will be subject to the following provisions:
If a student withdraws admission before 60 working days of the scheduled date of commencement of term, Tuition and Term fees will be refunded.
If a student withdraws admission less than 60 working days before the scheduled date of commencement of term, the respective tuition and term fees will be payable.
4. After commencement of the academic year, whether or not a student joins classes, under no circumstances will the Academic Fees and other charges/fees paid to the school be refunded, if a student withdraws admission or leaves the school before the end of that academic term, for any reasons. All unpaid fees must be paid.


  • Bus Fee Rules and Regulations(2025)
  • Latest FFC order.
  • Notice
  • Date Sheet for Optional Papers June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Optional Subjects( 1st-5th)June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Term I(Pre-Nur -8th )June 2019
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes 4th to 8th
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes Pre Nursery to 3rd