


Facilities at New Era Public School:


Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths Labs:

We have state of the art Science and Maths Labs. These provide opportunity for specialized study in different disciplines. Experimentation is encouraged and scientific temperament is strengthened. Maths Lab creates challenging atmosphere to put their mathematical abilities to test through practicals, project and models.

English Language Lab:

Our english language laboratory is equipped with CDs, Recorders, Music Systems, and Audio Video Visuals to facilitate english conversational skills among students so that the basics of the language are grasped at a very early age. Role play, recitations, elocutions, dramas, debates, spelling bee and essay competitions are the regular activities done in the lab.


Library is the nerve center, a mirror & a catalyst element of academic functioning of any institution. Our library includes large volumes of reading & reference material at present. It has more than 6000 books in various subjects.

Computer Lab:

We have a well equipped computer lab both for junior and senior wings. Audio visual presentations are given not only by teachers and but by guest speakers as well.

Knowledge Hub/ SRC Room:

Staff resource Centre is equipped with internet facility & software which is extensively utilized by the staff.

Religious Education:

Religion is the central element in our lives. Throughout the ages, it is a propagator of basic values & ethical code which provides cohesion to society and integration to personality. Keeping this in view, the school imparts religious and moral education trained ulemas have been specially appointed for every class to impart religious education with special emphasis upon Quran, Tilawat, Hadees and Kirat.

Seminar Hall:

A huge seminar Hall is provided in the school for lectures, seminars, workshops & demonstrations being conducted by the regular and visiting faculty members.

Art, Craft & Music:

Every attempt is made to introduce children to be rich & varied artistic tradition of the country. Children are allowed to experiment and explore in their chosen medium. Eminent pots, painters & singers are regularly invited to the school



  • Bus Fee Rules and Regulations(2025)
  • Latest FFC order.
  • Notice
  • Date Sheet for Optional Papers June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Optional Subjects( 1st-5th)June 2019
  • Date Sheet for Term I(Pre-Nur -8th )June 2019
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes 4th to 8th
  • Syllabus Uploaded for Classes Pre Nursery to 3rd